Geek Girl Strong (GGS) is on a mission to help pop culture fans realize their powers.
We’re a fun, inclusive health-coaching community for EVERY body, targeting those who do not fit into any one box. We help you level up your overall wellness, while geeking-out about your favorite fandoms.
Geek Girl Strong was founded by Robyn Warren in 2015 with the goal of helping kids, women, and non-binary people realize that they are the super heroes they thought they would only read about. Through GGS, Robyn focuses on helping geeks evolve their relationship to their bodies and aids them in their quest to lasting wellness, offering online health challenges as well as single-player and group programs.
GGS began in Brooklyn, NY, and is currently based in NYC and Philadelphia. Through the magic of the internet, we are able to connect with our community almost anywhere in the galaxy. Let’s begin your quest to grow in the multi-dimensions of health: social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical. We’ll have fun with our lifestyle management and make it last.